what we are doing
About project

The project addresses problems facing cultural heritage institutions, resulting from the lack of standardized procedures for the long-term protection and accessibility of audio content stored on media that can not be played by conventional technologies.
Solutions will be demonstrated on two types of historical media, focusing specifically on phonograph cylinder and on 25 cm standard gramophone records. As these are the oldest recording media, the sound recordings stored on them usually have a high historical and cultural value and original reproduction technology is often inaccessible.
Our main objective is to develop, test and implement appropriate procedures to address the complex issues of long-term protection and access to audio stored on historical physical media, in line with international standards and practice, and based on existing research in the field.
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so far we have succeeded
Project status

100 000 recordings
Selected collections of the National Museum and other collaborating institutions focusing on phonograph cylinders and standard gramophone records.
recordings we have digitized

Katalogové číslo nahrávkyMatriční čísloDatum
Kde domov muj
-726403. 01. 1901
První nahrávka písně Kde domov můj, pozdější hymny, zpívaná pěvcem Franzem Pacalem. Nahráno ve Vídni v roce 1901, vydal E. Berliners Gramophone.
Duet z opery Prodaná nevěsta
Hanna Foerstrova a Bohumil Pták zpívají dueto Vaška a Mařenky z opery Prodaná nevěsta od Bedřicha Smetany s doprovodem King’s Orchestra. Nahrávka vznikla roku 1912 v New Yorku.
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