This section will introduce the partner institutions involved in our project, who together form the backbone of the New Phonograph. The project is coordinated by the National Museum’s research team, who are also responsible for meeting the main outcomes of the project. These include, in particular, the development, testing and implementation of appropriate methodologies to protect and make available part of their collections. Co-researchers within the project – the National Library of the Czech Republic, the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Masaryk University, the Department of Information Studies and Librarianship – are within their specific competencies guarantors of various fields.

The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic is a manager of cultural heritage in both material and non-material form. It fulfills this role through a grant program to support applied research and experimental development of national and cultural identity. It has pledged its support to the project for the years 2016 to 2022 (NAKI II).
This program’s vision is to achieve both the conservation and sustainable development of a specific cultural identity and heritage in the context of European and world culture in the 21st century, through applied research and development.
Focusing on applied research and development, the program supports theoretical and experimental work aimed at acquiring new knowledge and skills that can be used to develop new or significantly improved products, processes or services. Applied research encompasses the practical use of knowledge and skills in shaping human cultural awareness, as well as preserving and utilizing cultural heritage, with a goal of acceptance, creation and preservation of cultural values and a state of cultural coexistence.
The specific objectives under which the New Phonograph project is funded, are the creation of Technology and Procedures for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.

Principal Investigator (Recipient – Coordinator)
The team consists of 20 people
The budget is about CZK 18.5 million
Duration: 2018-2022
Contact: Filip Šír
The National Museum is a research organization that conducts basic research, applied research and experimental development, and disseminates its results through expositions, exhibitions, teaching and other educational activities, publishing in all fields in which it operates, including the field of museology and collections protection. The National Museum is one of the oldest scientific institutions in the country whose traditions extend to Czech science personalities such as František Palacký, Jan Krejčí or Karel Bořivoj Presl. It is also the publisher of the oldest and ever-growing scientific journal, the National Museum Magazine. Through this project, the National Museum is also responsible for the processing of audio documents stored on historical media. It provides a comprehensive solution for the whole process of digitisation of audio documents, phonograph cylinders and standard gramophone records, across protection, cataloguing, digitisation and access. Alongside digitisation, analysis of international professional literature, standards, experience and the practices of foreign institutions and comparisons with the National Museum will be carried out. Based on these findings, appropriate methodologies will be proposed to be tested and integrated into other procedures. Due to the scope of the National Museum’s funding and the research focus of the project, it does not cover all existing collections, but rather focuses on phonograph cylinders and standard gramophone records, where many of the most at-risk sound recordings are to be found.

Investigator (Recipient)
The team consists of 5 people
Budget of about CZK 1 million
Duration: 2018-2020
Contact: Zuzana Petrásková
The National Library of the Czech Republic is a co-researcher in the development of a new standard for long-term archiving of phonograph cylinders and the implementation of standards in the specialized software module of the ProArc archive system. This will allow automated creation of standard archive packages for cylinders and gramophone records that can be stored in a digital repository for long-term protection. This institution will also work to analyse digitised audio records to define features which are key to their long-term archiving.

Investigator (Recipient)
The team consists of 5 people
The budget is about CZK 3.8 million
Duration: 2018-2022
Contact: Martin Lhoták
The involvement of the Academy of Sciences Library primarily encompasses the creation of software tools for making catalogue records available. This is mainly through modification of the existing ProArc system, which is a tool for presenting digital content from libraries and other memory institutions across the Czech Republic. The system uses standardized metadata models for given content types (currently supporting the development of periodicals, monographs and articles) and is distributed as open source. The Library of the Academy of Sciences strives to support ProArc’s conceptual development and provide technical support with the help of selected libraries.

Investigator (Recipient)
The team consists of 5 people
Budget of about CZK 2.2 million
Range: 2018-2022
Contact: PhDr. Michal Lorenz, Ph.D.
The team from the Information and Library Studies Department of the Faculty of Philosophy at Masaryk University (KISK) will participate in education, in the field of digital curatorship and cultural heritage protection, to give rise to a new generation of experts in the field. Masaryk University will also provide a platform for workshops and lectures. In addition, the team at the University will produce expert texts such as historical studies and textbooks, and design a specialized curriculum.