Adéla Bachtíková graduated from the Secondary Technical School of Graphic Arts in Prague, studying conservation and restoration. She then studied Archeology at the Philosophical School for two semesters at the Faculty of Charles University. She is currently studying the last year of applied advertising photos under prof. Vojtechovsky at the Faculty of Art and Design in Ústí nad Labem. In the course of her studies she has completed two foreign internships; specifically at Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland. She works as a freelance photographer, but most often does postproduction for other photographers. In the framework of the project New Phonograph, she focuses on image digitization of audio documents and works in the professionally equipped photo studio located in the Czech Museum of Music. She ensures that the fragments of gramophone plates or other historical audio documents produced by the project are both tonally and colorfully of the most faithful quality to the real item.