Zuzana Petrášková graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University in Prague. During her studies she worked with the National Library’s music department. Since 1987, she has been working in the library and since 1998 has been the head of the music department. She has led a team of musicology students and external collaborators from the music department to work on a music inventory. She has been chairwoman of the Czech National IAML Group and continues to work as a secretary with this association. Since 2000, she has been the guarantor of several R & D projects, such as the preparation of thematic catalogs of historical musical collections deposited in the territory of Bohemia and Moravia, and she continues in this activity in the framework of the institutional research of the NL CR in the field of Musicology. She coordinated her work on the Bibliotheca Sonans project – part of the Culture 2000 program. She is the guarantor of the VISK 6 project of digitizing rare musical manuscripts and collaborates on creating an information gateway for music. She is the editor of RISM – an international inventory of music sources. In the NAKI project, New Phonograph acts as a guarantor for the work of the National Library.