This subject will be taught in the autumn semester of 2018 at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University, under the course code VIKBB78. Lecturers for this course are PhDr. Michal Lorenz, Ph.D. and PhDr. Martin Krčál, DiS. he course is open to students of any field of study.

Overview of lectures

1. The place of cultural heritage in information studies

Why is cultural heritage important in the field of information studies? Why are Information Studies important for cultural heritage Research? Cultural heritage Informatics.

2. Historical development in caring for cultural heritage

Selected theories, basic terminology and resources (what is cultural heritage, what is a collection, what is a cloud, what is an archive?). A broad overview of various disciplines (museology, archival science, auxiliary historical sciences, musicology, iconography…), culture and tradition.

3. Types of cultural heritage institutions, documentation strategy and evaluation principles of archives and collections

Different approaches to recording cultural heritage subjects. Types of records – printed, non-printed, artifacts, architecture, digital. Types of Cultural Heritage Institutions – agencies, historical societies, museums, libraries, archives, galleries, open-air museums, monuments, archaeological sites, churches, grass-roots, collectors and amateurs. Principles of UNESCO’s World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

4. Documenting intangible cultural heritage

How to capture, describe and preserve. Different approaches and points of view. Historical overview of its development.

5. Organisation of Information – introduction to tools and methodologies

Methodologies and tools for organizing information – citation management, notes and records, labeling: naming conventions for physical and digital materials, Description of audio and audiovisual media.

6. Digital preservation strategy

Preservation contexts (social, historical, legal, administrative, technological). Policies, concepts and plans.

7. Conservation of tangible culture

Paper, sound and audiovisual media, textiles, paintings and other cultural objects and artifacts. Includes an excursion to the conservation laboratory.

8. Preservation of digital documents, photos, dynamic content and research data

Problems and solutions in digital preservation, emulation, migration and obsolescence, protection of digital records.

9. Protection of audio and visual materials, sustainability

Problems and solutions in preservation of audio and video. Excursions (National museum, etc.)

10. Collection

Collection description – What, how and why do we need to describe? Interpretation of collections – the difference between description and interpretation (objectivity versus interpretation): artifacts and documentation, notes, imprints and annotations – the significance of context.

11. Digital Humanities

E-science and digital methods, information ecology, information practices in humanities, information retrieval, cooperation and surrounding topics, influence on the design of services.

12. E-Infrastructure of Humanities

Repositories, OAI-PMH, grid technologies, virtual infrastructure for data storage and management of distributed repositories, interoperability – standards and semantically linked data, SOA – service oriented architecture, open APIs, NoSQL.

13. Marketing and management of cultural heritage

Presentation and management of visitors.


You can find more information about the subject here .